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Women Together Recovery Groups

IMPORTANT:  All Women Together groups have been suspended due to the COVID-19 emergency.


Women Together recovery groups are community-based self-help support meetings. Groups are open to any woman affected by any addiction. Women can be at any stage on their journey of recovery with an honest desire to beat their addiction.

Groups are facilitated by ordinary women, some of whom are in recovery themselves and some who have supported others in their journey to freedom.


Our aim is to provide a safe environment where women can be with others who share a common desire to overcome their addictive behaviour and where they can share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. We want women to regain the self-confidence, self-belief and self-worth that addiction has stolen from them.


Please come along to any of our groups or call me for more information.​

Details of our groups:

All Women Together groups have been suspended due to the COVID-19 emergency. For help and support please contact  Turning Point on 01473 220240 or 0300 123 0872


Other support groups now also operate online:

In addition, Every Mind Matters​ has now released expert advice and top tips on how to look after your mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak. It also includes guidance if you’re feeling worried or anxious about the outbreak or more generally plus  Urgent Crisis Support.


Women Together Group leader

What happens when I get there and what will we do?


We welcome you with a coffee, tea and a smile! You are not asked loads of questions. In the group, someone will share something about their own experiences with addiction. We talk and share how we are feeling and what we've been struggling with, but only if we feel comfortable doing so. Sometimes it's good to just sit and relax knowing you're in a safe place with people who understand and who accept you unconditionally. We end with a ‘thought for the day’, an affirmation to take away with us and we say the serenity prayer.

Is it confidential?


Anonymity and confidentiality are fundamental requirements. As with all anonymous meetings, what is shared in the group stays in the group. The exception is any information shared which relates to safeguarding legislation (child protection or vulnerable adults) in which case disclosure may be necessary to comply with the law. This would be discussed in the first instance with the person sharing before any action is taken.

Who's there?

Women who are in recovery from an addiction and who want support and help to get through their journey of recovery.


Please note that group facilitators are not counsellors and do not offer clinical or professional advice. 

What will I get out of it?


Respect: each person is free to express her feelings without interruption.

Encouragement: we are here to support one another - working together for change by sharing ideas, thoughts, feeling and experiences. We are not here to "fix" another person.

Freedom: to express yourself honestly.

Tolerance: the group is an open space where we listen to and respect other people's opinions and views. The environment is safe to share in, secure and accepting.

Expression: we want to hear views and feelings honestly expressed, but depending on the size of the group we may need to limit ourselves so that everyone has the opportunity to share if they would like to.

What will it cost me?


It's all free.

Is it religious?


This is not a religious group but for our group purpose we recognise that there is one ultimate authority, a loving God as He may express himself in our group conscience.  Whether you have a faith or you don’t, it doesn’t matter, you are welcome

Can I bring a friend?


If you are in recovery yourself and have a friend who is also struggling with addiction please feel free to bring them along. If you are not in recovery yourself but have a friend who is or wants to be, you are welcome to bring them along for their first one or two meetings to help them get used to the group. WT is a meeting only for those women who are recovering from an addiction.

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